
Mobile Massage & Physiotherapy based in Sóller

Mobile massage and physiotherapy in Soller, Fornatutx & throughout Mallorca

Quality Massage and Physiotherapy in your own villa, yacht or home.


Based in Port de Sóller in the fabulous Tramuntana mountains of north west Mallorca, we serve neighbouring towns and villages including:

  • Sóller

  • Fornalutx

  • Bunyola

  • Santa Maria del Cami

  • Deia

  • Valldemossa

    *Appointments in other areas are welcomed.


“In this hectic life, we have no time to take care of ourselves, hence massage is needed for rejuvenation and stress reduction. A lot of people are looking for quick fixes. Like they are taking medications, and they are doing other things which are not healthy. But massage is very holistic and natural”

— Narjis Fakhri

Mobile massage and physiotherapy in Soller, Fornatutx & throughout Mallorca

Reduce fatigue and improve energy

Mobile massage and physiotherapy in Soller, Fornatutx & throughout Mallorca